On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 15:55, Dennis G. Allard wrote:
> MySQL ShmySQL.  A database that didn't have transactions until last year
> and still has no stored procedures

Uh, we're talking about session data here, right?  Basically a remotely
accessible hash?  Stored procedures have no place there, and
transactions don't have much of one either, as evidenced by the fact
that many people simply use files for their session storage.

With a simple table (probably just ID, DATA, and TIMESTAMP) and simple
insert/update/select operations, MySQL pretty much blows everything else
away.  That's why I recommend it for this use.  If you already have
another database, that's fine too.  If your OS has good NFS or SMB
available, you can use MLDBM::Sync over that.  You have to be certain
that locking is well-supported on your OS though, and I doubt it will be
faster than MySQL.

> BTW, I wanted to use Apache::Session or CGI::Session but had some
> problems with each, possibly related to my newness with Apache
> 2/mod_perl 2/compat/whatever.

I haven't used either on mod_perl 2, but there's no reason why they
shouldn't work.  Neither of them makes any use of mod_perl or the Apache
API.  If you post more information about the problems, we may be able to
fix them.

> So, I've decide to implement my own
> sessions for now, just for the hell of it, while I wait for Apache 2
> dust to settle or land a project where I am forced to decipher the
> possibilities better.

You could also simply use mod_perl 1.  It is still actively maintained
and remains a good choice for new development.

- Perrin

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