Quoting Trevor Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> However, when I used the revised modules with the Apache Module, I'm only 
> getting a marginal performance increase!
> Since the bulk of the work is being done by modules common to the Apache and
> FastCGI front-ends, I am at a loss as to explain why there is such a vast 
> difference in performance.
> Is there anything I may be missing about the general configuration or 
> environment of mod_perl which may be causing this strange situation?

You would have to provide your configuration for anyone to be sure, but there
are a couple of things to check for:

- Are you only checking the first time you load the page?  mod_perl still needs
to load all the perl modules on the first request to a page, unless you have
specifically pre-loaded them in the apache configuration.  Subsequent page loads
should be faster.
- Are you sure you are running the script under mod_perl?  try checking for
$ENV{MOD_PERL} in the script you are executing.  If it is not defined, then you
are not running the script under mod_perl.
- Could it be that you have a small number of child processes running, or are in
single-process mode, and your HTML page has several images on it?  This could
affect the speed at which the page displays (although you should see it with
FastCGI as well).  Your safest bet is to use something like wget or the LWP
scripts to get the page, and then you can easily time it.
- are you using mod_perl2?  I don't know enough about mod_perl2 to help here,
but possibly you are having thread issues with the threaded MPM.

mod_perl should be just as fast as FastCGI as they achieve similar goals by
eliminating the perl startup and compile stages.  If this doesn't help you, then
please provide more info on your setup.



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