On Friday 13 June 2003 23:00, you wrote:
> [ please keep it on the list ]

Oops. Sorry. Used to mail lists auto-replying to the list. ^_^;;

> On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 03:23, Trevor Phillips wrote:
> > I don't think so. Pretty standard Debian install, Perl 5.6.1...
> And you compiled both mod_perl and FastCGI yourself?

No, they're the Debian binary packages. Would it make a difference, if they're 
using the same compile of Perl itself?

The speed problem is not a connect time problem - it's actual run-time of the 
Perl code.

I'm trying to narrow down what the problem is; I have a simple EDO script 
which is basically a bunch of nested iterations incrementing a counter. It 
contains no DB activity (just to show this isn't a DBI issue).

I also ran it with the vanilla CGI version of the EDO parser, with the same 
result - everything is faster than running it under mod_perl.

I've tried it on several different systems. Interestingly, the slow-down has 
occurred on all systems, with the exception being a Sun Sparc Ultra-5. All 
systems are running Debian, with a variety of Apache configs. There's also a 
mix of dual and single CPU, and a mix of Intel & AMD CPUs.

The only common thing between all the systems with the problem is they're 
using the i686 Debian package for mod_perl.

I'll continue trying different configs, and will also try recompiling mod_perl 

> > That's preloaded for some other modules. EDO uses Apache::Registry.
> > (Which is another possible point of suspicion, although it's not used
> > much... And Apache::Registry is supposed to be faster than CGI (which the
> > FastCGI version uses) too...)
> Apache::Registry is faster than a CGI script.  The CGI.pm module does
> something totally different, i.e. parsing params.  CGI::Simple
> implements the same interface and is a drop-in replacement, so it might
> be worth a try.

Oops! Sorry! I meant Apache::Request. I've never used Apache::Registry before. 

> > Personally, I'd love to see a blend: Where I can have a light-weight
> > mod_perl style interface in all daemons, which can interface to a
> > possibly more limited number of FastCGIs. Gain the power of mod_perl,
> > with the resource control of FastCGIs.
> You can do that with mod_perl 2, by setting up the number of perl
> interpreters you want to have available for each script.  See
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/intro/overview.html#Threads_Support

Yes, I've heard many good things about Apache 2 & mod_perl 2, as well as many 
reasons not to shift everything to it yet. I look forward to the time it and 
I are ready to migrate. ^_^

. Trevor Phillips             -           http://jurai.murdoch.edu.au/ . 
: Web Technical Administrator     -          [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
| IT Services                        -              Murdoch University | 
| On nights such as this, evil deeds are done. And good deeds, of     /
| course. But mostly evil, on the whole.                             /
 \      -- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)                          /

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