
Sorry if this question goes out to the wrong discussion group, but I've been told if anyone could answer this then it'll be someone on this forum :) Ok, here goes...

We use Perl 5.6.x and Perl 5.8.0 with LFS. We also use mod_perl 1.27 with LFS and Apache 1.3.27 (with LFS).

To make a long story short...we are running into issues with vendors like IBM and Oracle where they don't want to re-compile their code (i.e. mod_ossos) with LFS. So, we need to run a non-LFS build of Apache 1.3.27. The only way (to our knowledge) we can do this is by re-compiling Perl 5.8.0 without LFS, which means that we have to support two versions of Perl / CPAN / etc...not likely in our current situation. Someone just told me that we can use Apache (Non-LFS) with Perl (LFS) using mod_perl (PERL_USELARGEFILES=0, set in Makefile.PL)? This I know Doug MacEachern did not support in earlier versions of mod_perl.

BTW. We just-compiled it and it seems to work, HOWEVER I'm concerned about Segmentation Faults (this is common when using LFS modules with a non-LFS Apache build). For some reason we don't get these errors when using mod_perl /LFS with non-LFS Apache. How is this possible?

Here is our mod_perl build script:

# run the following from the mod_perl source directory
$perl_base/bin/perl Makefile.PL \
 INSTALLDIRS=perl PREFIX=$prefix \
 USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=$apache_base/bin/apxs \


Jaco Greyling

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