
The short version: 

How can I force my mod_perl Authen-handler to run after mod_auth and
not before it?

The long version:

I have been trying to do some clever things using a combination of
mod_auth with Authen-handlers in mod_perl2 (v1.99.07-1) and apache
2. The actual implementation is not really important, but for
reference see [1].

The handler should count the number of failed retries for each user
and then do take appropriate action (for instance, ban the user or log
info to a file). My approach is to have a perl-handler run right
*after* mod_auth when mod_auth has decided the supplied uid/password
did not match [2]

I have no problems creating a plain authentication handler in
mod_perl, but after trying and trying lots of combinations with
perl-handlers I am struggling to get my handler to run *after*

Like this:

<Location /secure/>
#      AuthAuthoritative Off
      AuthUserFile /tmp/htpasswd
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Secrets"
      Require valid-user

      PerlAuthenHandler MyApache::AuthenTest

No matter how I configure AuthenTest, it will always run right before

Any ideas how do do this, or for that matter, if there is another
approach that is better.



[1] I realize there may be issues with HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED causing
apache to abort the chain (according to docs anyway), but that can be
handled by patching auth_mod if needed.

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