On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 23:26:06 -0500 (CDT), "Geoffrey Young" wrote:

> > Instead of trying to cram multiple perl-script into the same Authen
> > phase, which btw could not be done without patching Apache and/or
> > mod_perl,
> if by perl-script you mean mod_perl handlers, that's not really true.
> currently, mod_perl will run all configured PerlAuthenHandlers until one
> returns an Apache error (401, 500, etc).  when I get back from vacation in a
> few weeks, the first item on my list is changing this so that mod_perl
> behaves exactly like Apache: namely, that the first OK passes control to the
> next phase and terminates the current phase.

Sorry, I was not clear enough. The problem is that I need to run mp2-handlers before 
after the actual mod_auth (compiled apache binary) module. But apparently mp2 runs 
its Authen-handlers at the same time, ie it is not possible to split handling in the 
phase between mp2 and apache -- something that I must do (afaik?) because of the

> > By keeping count like this (and assuming it works in a real
> > situation), one can device lots of cool ways to add login and password
> > policies. Just change relevant part in the Bouncer/Ledger.
> I'll take a closer look at this in a few weeks when I'm back full time, but
> right now I think I would have coded it all in the PerlAuthenHandler - I
> think that basic housekeeping like last-auth, etc all are ok things to put
> into that phase, so it makes a certain amount of sense to add your denial
> rules to that phase as well.

Ok. But when I tested it in practice it failed because I need perl-Authen-code to run 
before, and just after mod_auth has finished. The only way I could figure out how to do
that was to put Bouncer in the Access phase and Ledger in the FixUp phase. On other 
"abusing" the phases somewhat. 

[stuff added :-) ]

      # Find userinfo in cache. If user is banned, return
      # HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED else let him through to next handler
      PerlAccessHandler MyApache::Bouncer

      # The actual auth module. Patched so it creates an apache
      # request note if user is unauthorized + let request through
      # to next handler (DECLINED) _even tho_ user failed!
      AuthExternal wicauth

      # If apache note contains current user, update cache (nfailures
      # count) and return HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or return OK
      PerlFixUpHandler MyApache::Ledger

> anyway, I'm essentially offline for the next two weeks, but if you ping me
> after that we can talk more.
> good luck


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