On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 10:06:59AM -0700, Geoffrey Young wrote:


>>I think a lot of interesting password policies could be implemented
>>if it was possible to run perl-code before and after existing
>>authentication modules. Is it feasible to add this to the current
>>mod_perl as a runtime option?
> runtime is not likely to be possible.  I'm considering a patch that
> would make the hook behavior configurable as a compile-time option,

Instead of trying to cram multiple perl-script into the same Authen
phase, which btw could not be done without patching Apache and/or
mod_perl, I ended up using other phases but Authen. Other phases that
should not really be used for authentication like this and breaks a
few Apache rules.

I specifically had to change mod_auth_ so it returns sets a apache
note and returns DECLINED instead of stopping the whole request with a
HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED. The change is simple and can be applied to any auth
module without much effort.

So, I thought I'd ask the list for opinions regarding this

Here is the setup:

<Location /secure/>
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Secure Area"
      Require valid-user

      # Find userinfo in cache. If user is banned, return
      # HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED else let him through to next handler
      PerlAccessHandler MyApache::Bouncer

      # The actual auth module. Patched so it creates an apache
      # request note if user is unauthorized + let request through
      # to next handler (DECLINED) _even tho_ user failed!
      AuthExternal wicauth

      # If apache note contains current user, update cache (nfailures
      # count) and return HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or return OK
      PerlFixUpHandler MyApache::Ledger

Here is my tidied error_log log which shows how it works.

[ User wic with wrong pwd below ]

    Bouncer: wic not in cache. Letting through.
    AuthExtern wicauth: Failed for user wic.
    Ledger: wic not in cache. Adding.

    Bouncer: wic in cache: 1  <--- nfailures
    AuthExtern wicauth: Failed for user wic
    Ledger: wic in cache. Updating.

[ ... 10 times or something like that ... ]

    Bouncer: wic in cache: 10
    AuthExtern wicauth: Failed for user wic.
    Ledger: banning wic for 2 hours.

    Bouncer: wic in cache: banned
    Bouncer: wic is banned!

    Bouncer: wic in cache: banned
    Bouncer: wic is banned!

[ The user wic is banned and have to wait for 2 hours until Bouncer
will let him through. ]

    Bouncer: wic banning time has expired. Letting through.
    AuthExtern wicauth: OK accepted for user wic.
    Ledger: wic login ok. 

By keeping count like this (and assuming it works in a real
situation), one can device lots of cool ways to add login and password
policies. Just change relevant part in the Bouncer/Ledger.

(Btw, I am using Cache::FileCache to keep track of number of failed

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