Hi there,

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Tofu Optimist wrote:

> Rather than /usr/src, I put in /home/aprk

That's fine.  But in future, tell us what you did, not some fiction... :)

> Yes, you are correct.  make && make test as non-root,
> then install as root.  (Odd, isn't it, the docs at
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/install.html#A_Summary_of_a_Basic_mod_perl_Installation
> don't make this explicit?)

Yes, I always think that, but many of the Open Source packages neglect
to mention this point every time it might be mentioned.  I think authors
expect it to be either very obvious or else perhaps unnecessary - some
operating systems don't have a Unix-like permisisons system.

> > Did you build your own Perl?
> Yes, 5.8.0

Good.  You might want to try 5.8.1 soon, but I don't think that's a
problem here.

> > Have you cleaned up any old Apaches and mod_perls?
> No.  There are probably hordes of perls and hpptds and mod_perls
> running amok on the box throwing wild parties; I don't know.

Argh.  The Apache2/modperl2 that comes with RH9 is junk.  Get rid of
it all.  Use 'ps' to see what processes you have running and stop any
httpd processes that you don't think you started.  RH will start an
Apache when it boots if you let it, I wish they wouldn't do that.
Read 'man chkconfig'.  Go into /etc/rc.d and look at the startup
scripts.  Use chkconfig to prevent Apache being started at boot so
you can start it manually when you've built it.  When you're happy
that it's all as you wnt it, you might want to use chkconfig to set
it up to start at boot again.

> I think my next step should be to start over fresh. 
> Again.


> [1] How do I find *everything* on the box related to
> perl / apache / mod_perl, both 1 and 2, both the RH
> install and from my own ftp / tar / make fumblings?
> [2] How do I uninstall everything from [1], so I can
> start fresh?

Well RH should let you uninstall packages with rpm, but I don't use
rpm and I tend to avoid RedHat so I don't know exactly how you'd do
it.  My preference would be to look in /usr/local/ and /var/lib to see
if there are any apache things such as /usr/local/apache, and if so go
in there as root and rm -rf the entire apache directory.  That will
perhaps throw away config files etc. you've been working on, you might
want to make backups.  When you've done that you might want to use
slocate to build a database of filenames on your filesystem, then use
it to search for any httpd or apachectl files that escaped.  If so
there'll probably be truckloads of files in there with them.  Nukem.
The source trees in your home directory don't matter.  Nuke them too.
You won't need to do anything about Perl on your system if you really
did compile it from source yourself.

> [3] I'd prefer to use modperl 2 and apache 2, as that is what my ISP
> is using.  And I think I'd prefer to use RH rpm to install them, as
> again, that is what my ISP did.  (Want my dev box to match the
> outside box as much as possible).  This newsgroup keeps mentioning
> "build from sources," will I be going astray trying the rpm route?

I hate RPMs.  For Apache2/modperl2 you would be better off going to
the CVS sources unless you can get hold of a very recent RPM, things
are changing really fast in the mod_perl version 2 codebase.  True, it
could be important for your dev box to match your prod box, but when
you figure out what's going on it will probably matter less - until
you start doing really fancy stuff, when it will start to matter again.

> [4] Is a full uninstall enough, or should I reinstall RH itself?

No, don't reinstall the entire OS.  Get used to what your system feels
like and eventually you'll know what to leave alone and what to change.

> mysteries to a newcomer.

FWIW you sound like you're picking it up quickly.


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