On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 15:45:11, Charlie Garrison said...

> >I haven't been 100% happy with any of the systems written by other
> >people so I've always just written my own.  It's a rather simple
> Do you also write the apache module for the frontend server? I'm very
> competent at perl, but not competent enough to write an apache module.
> Any other suggestions? 

I'd think you'd want to have the same authentication process for both, and a
shared database (or something) to store the session data.  Have the front-end
do the login part, pass the client to the backend, which discovers that the
client is already authenticated.

Are you looking for something that's just a drop-in solution, transparent to
the backend completely, not part of the backend software?  I'd think in that
case, you'd want something like PerlAuthenHandler and PerlAuthzHandler, let
them manage the logins and just pass the client down to the backend software.

I could still be way off here though.

Michael Stella  | Sr. Unix Engineer / Developer | http://www.thismetalsky.org

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