Randy Kobes wrote:
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Steve Hay wrote:

Randy Kobes wrote:

[ .. ]

Here's a patch against the Apache-Dispatch Makefile.PL to
allow it to build on Win32

Your patch does the trick for me, except that I had to rebuild mod_perl too.

The problem is that my installed mod_perl setup (Apache in
C:\apache, Perl in C:\perl5) didn't contain the
mod_perl.lib required.  The MODPERL_LIB entry in
Apache::MyConfig said
C:/Temp/mod_perl-1.28/src/modules/win32/Release, which is,
of course, where it was when I was building mod_perl.

I believe that mod_perl 2 now installs the mod_perl.lib
somewhere to solve that kind of problem.  Is there an
option in the mod_perl 1 build process to thave that
library installed, or could that be added to the next

That's a good suggestion - you're right that mod_perl 2
installs the mod_perl.lib under the Apache2/ tree, and it
would make sense for mod_perl 1 to do the same, with
Apache::MyConfig adjusted to reflect that. I'll look into
putting together something to do that.

Does it? According to Apache::Build, it should be installed under the apache tree's lib:

sub modperl_libs_MSWin32 {
    my $self = shift;
    # mod_perl.lib will be installed into MP_AP_PREFIX/lib
    # for use by 3rd party xs modules

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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