Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
All the items that are asked for in the bug report are potentially important, so try to include as much as possible. A well written bug report that includes all info asked for generally gets answered very quickly on this list. I'll admit that it requires some work on your part, but the payoff is generally worth...

Yeah, and the half million LOC in apache, and the million LOC in the
CPAN stuff, and the 100kLOC in WebGUI.  I'm swimmin, here, guys...  :-)

We don't ask you to read code, Jay, but (hopefully) simple instructions to follow.

Getting the core file and the back trace becomes something of a routine when you are into installing and running software (especially the bleading edge one). So the earlier you learn how to do it, the better for you. Too bad people now don't have an excuse of not having the docs on how to get the backtrace ;)

Though if you have money to spend and don't wish to spend your time on this issue, I'm sure that someone will be more than glad to do the research work for you and even solve the problem.

The only other way of not needing to send the backtrace here, is to give us a short test script that we can reproduce the problem with.

I'll try to get it to dump core.  As soon as I remember where to go to
recompile modperl.  Thank ghod I script(1)ed the whole build.

It's not a trivial stuff. So if you get the trace, give yourself a raise and buy some nice indulging food ;) Try not to get too frustrated if it takes time to wrap your head around it.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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