On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 03:51:17PM -0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
> Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
> [...]
> >>All the items that are asked for in the bug report are potentially 
> >>important, so try to include as much as possible.  A well written bug 
> >>report that includes all info asked for generally gets answered very 
> >>quickly on this list.  I'll admit that it requires some work on your 
> >>part, but the payoff is generally worth...
> > 
> > 
> > Yeah, and the half million LOC in apache, and the million LOC in the
> > CPAN stuff, and the 100kLOC in WebGUI.  I'm swimmin, here, guys...  :-)
> We don't ask you to read code, Jay, but (hopefully) simple instructions to follow.

Yep.  You ask me, and the webgui people ask me, and the apache people
ask me... It's a *big* elephant, man.

> Getting the core file and the back trace becomes something of a routine when 
> you are into installing and running software (especially the bleading edge 
> one). So the earlier you learn how to do it, the better for you. Too bad 
> people now don't have an excuse of not having the docs on how to get the 
> backtrace ;)

Indeed.  I just have to figure out where the build lives; I've done *so
many* things in 5 days, I don't even remember whether I built mod_perl
or cpan did, and if it did, I'm not sure where.  I can only learn so

> Though if you have money to spend and don't wish to spend your time on this 
> issue, I'm sure that someone will be more than glad to do the research work 
> for you and even solve the problem.

If I had money, I'd've paid PlainBlack a grand to do the setup.  :-}

> The only other way of not needing to send the backtrace here, is to give us a 
> short test script that we can reproduce the problem with.
> > I'll try to get it to dump core.  As soon as I remember where to go to
> > recompile modperl.  Thank ghod I script(1)ed the whole build.
> It's not a trivial stuff. So if you get the trace, give yourself
> a raise and buy some nice indulging food ;) Try not to get too
> frustrated if it takes time to wrap your head around it.

My thoughts *exactly*.  :-)  Just had the nice indulgent food; trying
to stay *awake*.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Member of the Technical Staff     Baylink                             RFC 2100
The Suncoast Freenet         The Things I Think
Tampa Bay, Florida        http://baylink.pitas.com             +1 727 647 1274

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