Jay R. Ashworth wrote:

Once you figure it out, it'd be nice if you could send a patch
improving the docs on getting the core file and the trace, so people
who come after you with the same task in hand will have an easier
time understanding. I get dozens of core files daily, so for me it's
a routine, and I may miss some details that seem to be obvious to me,
but not to the uninitiated user.

I'm glad you said that, so I didn't have to.  Empty Mind is hard to
come by.  I'm actually planning on trying to whomp up a HOWTO on the
whole installation, but I can certainly distill out the important

We try to endorse people to help improve the existing documentation, rather than spawn new docs. I hope you agree it's much better for the end user to have a single good source of information, than dozens of unrelated docs.

Don't get the ownership of the pages confuse you, I just happen to maintain most of the docs, and I'd gladly hand them over to you, should you wish to stick around and be of help to other people, yourself included.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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