2) the rest of the tests fail on $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} and $r->remote_address

returning instead of Sounds like an ipv6 issue to me.


since all those running ipv6 didn't report that problem that sounds as


a bug in Apache on HPUX11i or some OS issues. Olivier, could you try a


script that prints out $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, when your client is running on


same machine and when it's running from another machine? Thanks.

I checked that variable through PHP. It gave me the same result :

Perfect. So it's not an issue with mod_perl.

What could I check to go further ?

I suppose it's your IPv6 setup. You probably have the localhost entry mapped to ::1 in /etc/hosts?

::1 localhost

I suppose we could test for '' || ''. Any difference if you replace it with: localhost
Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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