I was trying to compile Apache/2.0.50 mod_perl/1.99_14 Perl/v5.6.2 under
HP-UX with HP's ANSI C compiler.  Everything compiled fine, but during
make test, any test that tried to do a stat on __FILE__ would hang. 
Running the same type of code under perl worked fine.  I had previously
compiled mod_perl/1.99_14 with perl 5.8.2 and that worked fine.  I had
some other priorities at work that prevented me from pursuing this, so I
am just getting back to it.

The problem turned out to be related to my perl install, but I don't
understand why.  The thing that made it work was turning off large file
support in my perl 5.6.2 install.  The reason that I don't understand is
that my perl 5.8.2 install had large file support enabled and the
mod_perl tested fine (which is to say test completes with errors without
hanging).  I'm not even sure whether this is a problem with perl 5.6.2
or mod_perl.  Any insight on this?

Will Fulmer
Database Administrator
Northampton Community College
Bethlehem, PA

>>> Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5/6/2004 1:09:52 AM >>>
William Fulmer wrote:
>>Ouch, William, are you aware that you've sent a 1MB attachment to 
>>a public mailing list, potentially causing lots of problems to
>>with limited account sizes and slow dialup access? Please don't that

>>in the future. If you want to show some big file, upload it 
>>somewhere and post a link to it.
> Sorry.  I didn't look at the size before I sent it.  Will be more
> carefull in the future.  


> The end of your trace is:
> open("/usr/lib/nls/loc/locales.2/C", O_RDONLY, 0) 
> .................................. ERR#2 ENOENT
> time(0x7f71cd0c) 
> ...................................................................
> 1083792204
> sigsetstatemask(0x17, NULL, 2139033120) 
> ............................................ = 0
> write(2, "N o   - M   a l l o w e d   w h ".., 36) 

Aha! It says -M is not allowed. (stat __FILE__)[9]; is the same as

   -M __FILE__

> write(2, "p e r l _ p a r s e :   N o   s ".., 38) 

this perl_parse() thing is interesting. It writes to STDERR that
has failed. BTW, any difference if you change your code to be:

my $file = "/tmp";
my $mtime = (stat $file)[9];


my $file = __FILE__;
my $mtime = (stat $file)[9];


-M __FILE__;


-M "/tmp";

>>but I see that the process is exiting. Is it still hanging? Or is it
> the 
>>client process?
> Yes it did exit when I ran it this way.  May be a fluke with my
> of tusc however.  When I run it without the tusc comand (ie
> "/usr/opt/httpd-2.0.49/bin/httpd -d t -f conf/httpd.conf  -DAPACHE2
> -DONE_PROCESS -DNO_DETATCH") it hangs.  Helpful of it, yes?

It's possible. I've seen processes exiting when attaching to or
detaching from 
them with strace. another way to check where the process is hanging is
attach to it with gdb (using -p $pid) and then run 'bt'.

>>I see that you also run with mod_perl tracing enabled, you may want 
>>to turn it off to make the strace output smaller.
> I'll do that in the morning.  It may help for me to mention that I'm
> using HP's ANSI C compiler for the compiles.  The version is quite
> (enough so that I cannot apply the patches listed on the
> web page).  May be a useful exercise to update my compiler and try
> again.  May take a while as I have to Weedle "CODEWORDS" out of HP
> support to accomplish this.  Let me also say that I was able to
> and run mod_perl-1.99_12 with this same install of apache and an
> of perl 5.8.2 with the same basic config options as my perl 5.6.2. 
> think I'll try compiling this version with the 5.8.2 perl and see if
> that works better. 

What's important is that you compile perl, apache and mod_perl with the
compiler. Though I'm not familiar with HP's ANSI C compiler, so it's
that it's a problem there.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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