William, please followup on all the emails. I don't think I've seen your followup to this post:
Did I miss it?

William Fulmer wrote:
The first test it hangs on is t/api/request_rec.  The line of code it
stops on is pretty uncomplicated:
my $mtime = (stat __FILE__)[9]; #line 124

adding the -T under perl doesn't change a thing.  I'm not quite sure
where to remove it for modperl so I haven't tried that.  '

remove -T from here t/conf/extra.conf.in:PerlSwitches -wT and now run it: t/TEST -conf t/TEST -v t/api/request_rec.t

I just realized that the bug report I sent was from the compile the
build without large file support in perl.

I did recompile apache with large file support sort of. There's no
configure option to enable it so I added -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE in the
ccflags. httpd still doesn't advertise that is supports large files. The other thing I notice is that modperl doesn't respect perl's ccflags
(as advertised by perl -V). It drops the -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE. I forced
it in using MP_CCOPTS, but it didn't help.

it's not enough, you need -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 as well, but I think it still not enough.

Let me just clarify things a bit regarding what does and does not work
for make test.

my perl 5.8.2 install with LFS works fine with modperl.  compiles, test
and runs sucessfully.

perl 5.6.2  with LFS hangs in make test.

perl 5.6.2 without LFS finishes make test with errors.

The bug report that I sent earlier was from the  perl 5.6.2 without LFS.

This one is from perl 5.6.2 with LFS.  The apache doesn't advertise LFS
but it was compiled with -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE:

Because it's more than that. If Apache doesn't enable it, neither you should try to do that. Instead mod_perl should be compiled with a common denominator, i.e. w/o LFS. which it tries to do already.

Anything else I should try? Any other useful info I should provide?

See the top of the email.

And of course the most important question, is this a fight worth
fighting? I expect most people are using MP2 with perl 5.8.x. I
unfortunately have some legacy perl modules with binary components that
have no src (should say the vendor won't release the src ;) ) that will
only work with 5.6.x. I'm happy to persue this, but I don't want to
waste too much of your time with this unless you see a benefit to the

It'd be nice to figure out what the problem is. We need to find some HPUX expert that can help you accomplish that.

If you can followup on the email mentioned above, I think we may find some leads.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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