William Fulmer wrote:
I did find some discussion of old HP-UX patches that fixed problems with
stat calls that some of HP's apps had. There are no particulars and
none pertain to system libraries, so they were no help. The issue here
may be that I'm a relative novice when it comes to C/C++ programming. For instance, where does the magic happen that masks all of perls stat
calls to stat64 when you compile with LFS support? Some of the info out
there may contain the answer, but I can't see it for lack of this

It happens during Perl compilation, where depending on compilation flags, either stat or stat64 is chosen.

I'm also wondering if the problem is not the actually call to stat64,
which looks like it returns the requested info, but whatever comes next.
 That last line of the trace bothers me:

[5889] In

Very uninformative. Any guesses as to the meaning?

Not really.

One of the other things that has been bothering me is that when I built
MP2 with perl 5.8.2, I couldn't get it to work without useshrlib
defined.   For perl 5.6.2, perl won't even compile successfully if you
define this option.  It tries to run miniperl during the compile and
that hangs with a trace ending in the same mysterious line.  The
frustration thing about that is that LFS does not seem to affect this
particular problem.  I'm left wondering if perhaps the real problem here
is that these two scenarios are trying to dynamically load libraries
that don't lend themselves to dynamic loading (e.g. libpthread.sl)  I
eliminated the usual culprits such as pthread and libcl.sl and of course
there are no helpful messages to point at something else.

I do see warnings about a symbol _attribute_ being defined again and
internal linking will occur, but as I said before, I don't know enough
about C to know if that has any significance at all.

Any thought on these?

All I can say that these aren't really mod_perl problems per se, even though they prevent you from using mod_perl. They are all OS level issues. You need to find someone who groks your platform's specifics and can advise us on using the right compile/linking flags to get things working.

HP-UX is not the only platform mod_perl has a problem with. We have issues with AIX and other platforms. We have Randy Kobes and Steve Hay who do a great work handling the win32 build (which won't be possible w/o having an inhouse expert). The rest of us develop and familiar with Linux. We get random help for other platforms. Ideally what we need is to have an expert on those platforms Apache and Perl are running on to get mod_perl to run.

I apologize for not being much of help with the problems you are having, William.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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