On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 11:43:30 -0600 (CST), Randy Kobes wrote:

Hi Randy

>> Just to elaborate - which package (and version) were you building
>> when this occurred?

Apache::Test V 1.18 for those who missed it

> I understand now this was with the Apache-Test distribution itself.
> A new version (1.19) was just uploaded:
> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/G/GO/GOZER/
> Could you try this one to see if you get the same problem? I just
> tried it and it seemed to work OK.

Same error with 1.19

> If you still get the same problem, do you have a
> $PERL\site\lib\Apache\TestConfigData.pm
> installed in your Perl tree? If so, does moving it out of the way,

Yes. I removed it and got the same error.

> and then building Apache-Test, work? In building Apache-Test you
> should then be taken through a dialogue asking you where your

No dialog, but I'm running this install from with a Perl program...
I'll now try from the command line.

> Apache executable is located (if it can't find it), but this
> information should then be saved to Apache::TestConfigData, which
> gets installed for future use.

Nope. I get the error (Can't locate Apache/Build.pm in @INC) as soon as I type 
perl Makefile.PL,
so there is no opportunity for code to run to ask any questions.

Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 7/01/2005

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