On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 08:21:46PM -0400, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> hmm.  I'm sorry I didn't get back to you today, but I had something
> unexpected come up.  I'll be rolling rc5 tomorrow, but if you want to create
> a bug tarball for me I'll look into it with whatever resources I can
> scrounge up.

Hi Geoff,

I've finally found a chance to create the bug report tarball[1] for the
directory index problems I'm seeing. The important stuff is in
t/conf/extra.conf.in where the settings are causing the tests to fail.
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong in my settings, but as I've reported
before, these used to work under mp1.

> SetHandler is forcing the handler to be mod_perl, but really mod_dir needs
> to step in and handle the / -> DirectoryIndex conversion. so... what I would
> do is alter that fixup handler to do something like this
>   if ($r->handler('perl-script') && -d $r->filename && $r->is_initial_req) {
>     $r->hander(Apache2::Const::DIR_MAGIC_TYPE);
>   }
> or somesuch.  basically, what you want to happen is for mod_dir to apply the
> directory index and issue it's normal internal_direct to mod_perl.  un-doing
> mod_mime's SetHandler for just the main request ought to do that.

I tried adding the above code to Apache::Dir (I fixed the $r->hander to
$r->handler) and found that I needed to include a 'use
Apache::RequestRec' statement (yes, I'm still on RC4 at the moment).

Now, the server is returning a 403 error with the following entry in the
error log when I try to retrieve the index.html:

 [Mon Apr 25 09:48:17 2005] [error] file permissions deny server
 execution /home/william/Apache-Test-skeleton-mp2/t/htdocs/index.html

This is followed by the usual error about not being able to serve the
directory when I try to GET '/' in t/01basic.t. It looks like the gist
is that the suggested patch didn't work or was incorrectly applied.


(let me know if you have any problems retrieving that file; it may be
behind a firewall)

Knowmad Services Inc.

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