Thanks, that was it... Stupid mistake, but there seems to be some conflicting docs out there.

I'm trying to get a mod_perl1 module running on mod_perl2 and I seem to be having some difficulty. The logs are simply throwing "Can't load Perl file: c:/apache2/conf/ for server, exiting..."

and it's making it very difficult to see exactly where things are dying. Is my lack of verbosity because I'm in windows?

If I put
PerlModule Apache::garbage
in my httpd.conf I get

can't load perl module apache::garbage for server exiting...

but if I put it in a startup script

PerlRequire "C:/blah/"

I get "Can't load perl file: C:/blah for server exiting...

basically i'm loading this module which uses a pm file and I'm getting no info on why things aren't working... Just that they aren't

Sorry for the newbie question, everything i've found says that things should work if you include the compat option and there's not a lot to tell you what to do when it doesn't just work :)


On Jun 13, 2005, at 12:34 PM, Steve Duran wrote:

  Try Apache2::compat

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Pietraniec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 1:29 PM
Subject: install Apache::compat? (Was Can't load perl file)

I think I've found the problem I was having...

When I try to add

PerlModule Apache2
PerlModule Apache::compat

to my http.conf I get "Can't load perl module for Apache2 for server exiting....

when I comment out the first line I get

to my http.conf I get "Can't load perl module for Apache::compat for
server exiting....

Do I need to do something extra to get this compat module installed
on my system?  Everything I'm seeing it kind of giving it as a given
that it's present.

I've mentioned it before, but

I'm trying to set up apache 2 (2.0.54) on Windows 2000 Server

with SSL (from here -- currently working) q=node/view/30

The latest version of ActivePerl (

and... mod_perl, which I've installed via the "mpinstall" script here.. install.html#PPM_Packages


On Jun 10, 2005, at 12:38 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Well without an error message and the at least the lines of code
fail we
cann't be much of help  ;-)


Nick Pietraniec schrieb:
| I had something like
| use Apache2
| use Apache2::compat ();
| before, but I pasted directly what was in the tutorial (below)
and it
| worked.
| As long as I'm shooting out an email to the list, does anyone know
| offhand exactly what options I need to put in there to run a
script that
| I'm moving from a apache1/mod_perl1 config?  That's why I just
had the
| compat() option.  I tried running it with the below options
| that because compat was included that I'd be ok) but it failed.
| I assume that it depends on what I'm doing exactly in the old
| but was wondering if anyone knew of anything special that I
needed to do
| offhand.  I haven't done much research yet...
| My current .pl file (same as what's given on the net)
| use ModPerl::Util ();
| use Apache2::RequestRec ();
| use Apache2::RequestIO ();
| use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
| use Apache2::ServerRec ();
| use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
| use Apache2::Connection ();
| use Apache2::Log ();
| use Apache2::Const -compile => ':common';
| use APR::Const -compile => ':common';
| use APR::Table ();
| use Apache2::compat ();
| use ModPerl::Registry ();
| use CGI ();
| 1;
| On Jun 9, 2005, at 5:57 AM, Robert wrote:
|> "Nick Pietraniec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
|>> Turns out it was an error in the file
|>> I took "Can't load" to mean "Where's this file?"  Where I
should have
|>> taken it as "There's an error in this file"
|> What was the problem? I have that error as well and I used the
|> from
|> the mod_perl site itself.
|> Robert

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