I still have the original source.
But I think the reason this is happening is because I used
Darwin Port (a Darwin package installer) to install my original MP 2.
Then,  when I installed MP2 RC5 from source I started getting the error.
I used the port uninstall the package first, but maybe it didn't work.

I would like to do the "make uninstall" approach below first before going
through reinstalling perl and MP2.
Before I do this I want to make sure I have the right syntax first.
would I just type 'make uninstall' in the source directory for MP2 RC5?
Or do I need to put together a script that will run 'ExtUtils::Install::uninstall(/path/to/.packlist)'
Where /path/to.packlist is what?

Thanks for all the help,

boysenberrys.com | habitatlife.com | selfgnosis.com

On Oct 31, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Tyler MacDonald wrote:

Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If it is "some old junk" left in the @INC how would I go about
correcting it?

My approach would be to start with a new Perl install and a new
mod_perl. There is no official way to uninstall a Perl module, so it's hard to be sure that you got everything related to the previous Apache2

        "make uninstall" / ExtUtils::Install::uninstall(/path/to/.packlist)
aren't official? I suppose you'd have to have the old pacakage's source tree
still laying around...

        - Tyler

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