KartheeK wrote:
> Hi,
> Meanwhile, I tried the same thing on a Mandrake-10.1, And Guess What!!!
> No Errors in my httpd logs..... Now, the question is How Can I *prove my
> Boss* and to myself that I have established mysql connection during
> httpd process start up....
> is there any way??
>    1. I tried this,
>    2. I stopped mysql server
>    3. I Restarted httpd server, but surprizingly it came up without any
>       problem, ideally it should have thrown out a error so as to say
>       that It could not establish a connection with mysql(since the
>       server is down)
> What should I conclude, Am I successfull In establishing the connection?? 

As long as your startup.pl has errors no connection will be established.
Please post the parts of your httpd.conf and startup.pl file in question.

> Regards
> KartheeK
> */Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 05:13 +0300, Plymouth Rock wrote:
>     > Anybody who uses current major versions of pre-built binaries of the:
>     >
>     > Apache2 + mod_perl2 + Apache::DBI + PostgreSQL8
>     When asking for help, please be specific about what you're using.
>     There's a description of what to send here:
>     http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/help/help.html#Reporting_Problems
>     > [Thu Nov 17 23:35:39 2005] [error] Can't load Perl file: C:/Program
>     > Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/startup.pl for server localhost:80,
>     > exiting...
>     What's the error before that? That should be the actual problem.
>     > But what does it mean when
>     > saying
>     > "Can't load..."?
>     It means your startup.pl has a problem in it and won't compile or didn't
>     return true.
>     - Perrin
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