On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 09:42:49 -0500
"Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I miss the reference dot notation of Java and other OO languages,
> however.  Why didn't Larry include that?  And the 'use v. require'
> issue seems silly to me.  Why not a simple 'import' statement?  And
> the accessor schema and issues of 'my v. our v. local' and package
> transparency seems hackneyed to me.  Perhaps 6.0 will address issues
> like these?  I haven't looked. 

  Just an FYI, Perl 6 will use the dot notation for calling methods. 
  Having just an "import" would reduce the flexibility.  And actually
  the subroutine 'import()' is there, but it is in the actual module 
  ( or inherited from something like Exporter ) and called so the
  module can determine what to import itself. "use Foo;" is just a
  convient wrapper for: 

  BEGIN { require Foo; import Foo; }

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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