looks like DBI stops talking to mysql

when this happens, is apache hanging?

or does it just crash on one page, and then continually crash on subsequent pages?

a few ideas:
                are you using the same dh / $dbh for session as the rest of 
your site?
                if so, try creating a new mysql db for sessions only.
                there could be some locking issue caused by other queries.
                are you using Apache::DBI or another persistence provider?
i'm thinking that *maybe* you're not, and mysql is unhappy that you're slamming it with constant connects.

if this is a dev box, try enabling the query log and slow log in mysql, and enable tracing in DBI if you can reproduce, see if mysql is logging it as a slow log, and see if mysql or DBI did something that didn't unlock a table be warned though - mysql query log can grow gigantic, and DBI tracing can be verbose

assuming you're on a nix/bsd ( there were some files in the root of that page that suggested such) tail the logs while you stresstest.

On Feb 26, 2006, at 4:29 PM, Todd W wrote:

Apache::Session is occasionally hanging pages. If I stop the server, I find
the following in the error log:


using pre and post statment warn()s, I found that the line that causes the
hang is:

      eval {
      tie %{$session}, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_key,
       { Handle => $dbh, LockHandle => $dbh } ;
     } ;

The only way I can "duplicate" it is by pounding the sever with ab.

Once it hangs, it says hung ( can't make any other requests ). A restart
always gets it going agian.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Todd W.

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