fyi , you can also see that in a regular mysql client

        show processlist

this could also be a pure mysql problem. mysql is a fast db, but its got some weird bugs.

i kept having issues with a collation matching problem on a table, because I needed to change the column defaults from latin_swedish_ci to utf8_general_ci . toggling table defaults or db defaults wouldn't do a thing. neither would creating/dropping the col, table or db. apparently its an issue with the way mysql stores and alters column definitions, and doesn't overwrite or update them properly. the only known fix ? delete & reinstall mysql at that version, or upgrade from 4.x to 5.x

so i upped to 5.x. which actually solved a few other weird issues i had.

On Feb 26, 2006, at 5:51 PM, Todd Finney wrote:

At 04:29 PM 2/26/2006 -0500, Todd W wrote:
using pre and post statment warn()s, I found that the line that causes the
hang is:

      eval {
      tie %{$session}, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_key,
       { Handle => $dbh, LockHandle => $dbh } ;
     } ;

When this happens, what does `mysqladmin processlist` tell you?

I had a similar problem with freshly installed debian sarge box a couple of months ago. I'd attempt to tie the session, and the process would hang. `mysqladmin processlist` would show "SELECT GET_LOCK('Apache-Session-[numbers])".

I poked around for clues, and saw a few other posts that indicated that it might be a scoping problem. Nothing in my code jumped out at me, though. Besides, the exact same code has been running on another production box for at a few years now without a problem.

I was in a hurry, so I just moved to another machine and carried on. I haven't gotten back to look at it yet.

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