On 01/08/2006, at 15:30, Vladimir S. Tikhonjuk wrote:

Hi everyone!

I have Authentication handler, which I set like:

  <Location />
      PerlAuthenHandler Promtelecom::Authentication
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Promtelecom Network"
      Require valid-user

Alseo I have 2 simple PerlHandler's: Debitor and DebitorDocuments, which
set like:

    PerlModule Promtelecom::Debitor
    <Location /debitor>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler Promtelecom::Debitor

    PerlModule Promtelecom::DebitorDocuments
    <Location /debitor/documents>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler Promtelecom::DebitorDocuments

When I go to http://localhost/ by my browser, I see working
Authentication Handler. When I go for the first time to
http://localhost/debitor/ or http://localhost/debitor/documents I see
Authentication Handler too.
So, the question is: when I go to http://localhost/debitor/documents
will the Debitor handler called ?
Or will be the next chain: Authentication -> Debitor -> DebitorDocuments
invoked ?

Only if you reverse the order. e.g.

    PerlModule Promtelecom::DebitorDocuments
    <Location /debitor/documents>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler Promtelecom::DebitorDocuments
    PerlModule Promtelecom::Debitor
    <Location /debitor>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler Promtelecom::Debitor

Apache will often report if you put them in the wrong order at startup time.

Basically first one wins - so if the URL is "/debitor/documents/fred" and the first Location is "/debitor" - it would win. So you make sure that it is always least to most significant.

* - *  http://www.osdc.com.au - Open Source Developers Conference * - *
Scott Penrose
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