On 01/08/2006, at 15:50, Vladimir S. Tikhonjuk wrote:

So, as I understant, If I want authenticate user before seeing every
page, I have to put

<Location />
PerlAuthenHandler Promtelecom::Authentication
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Promtelecom Network"
Require valid-user

to be the first one.

Then, If I want DebitorDocuments Handler (
http://localhost/debitor/documents ) invoked without Debitor handler, I
have to put it before DebitorHandler ?
And vise versa: If I want Debitor Handler and then DebitorDocuments
Handler to be invoked when I go to http://localhost/debitor/documents,
the Debitor Handler have to stand before DebitorDocuments Handler in
httpd.conf ?

Only one handler will run - not both. But otherwise yes.

Basically for each section of Apache, one thing wins. Mostly you can think of sections as Authentication, Authorization, and Handler (there are others of course, especially filters, fixup handlers and more - but the first three are the most common).

So if you have:

        <Location />
        <Location /debitor/documents>
                Handler Debitor::Documents
        <Location /debitor>
                Handler Debitor

Then the Auth handler will not be effected by the other entries because they are not changing that slot - the Auth Slot. But you are changing the Handler slot - and then the order is important - but only one will run.

So if you did it in the order you had in your original mail - the Debitor::Document handler would never get run.

Hope that kind of makes sense.

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Scott Penrose
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