Hi Joe,

Joe Schaefer wrote:
running on a test machine (i.e., the web server isn't live on the
Internet) so perhaps I didn't set it up correctly?

I really don't know, it could be the parser is just misbehaving on your
particular html form.  What you can do to further investigate is something like

   my $upload = eval { $req->upload("foo") };
   if ($@) {
      $upload = [EMAIL PROTECTED]>upload("foo"); # won't die this time

and try to see where the form data is getting lost.

For some reason, I am doubting my own HTML skills...or perhaps I've been staring at this for so long, the screen is getting blurry :-) . Anything here looks suspicious?


<form action="http://localhost/~user/test2.html"; method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="mai nform">

<input type="file" name="filename" />
<input type="text" width="10" name="keyword" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<button type="reset">Clear</button>


print $filename, "<br />";
print $keyword, "<br />";

my $req = Apache2::Request -> new ($r);
my @params = $req -> param ();
print scalar (@params), "\n<br />\n";

#my $upload = $req->upload ('filename');

There's some Mason in there, but basically, both $filename and $keyword print out ok (well, the filename), so it doesn't seem like any part of the form is "lost". "scalar (@params)" is 0, though...which makes me think I'm doing something wrong. Shouldn't it be 2? And of course, if I move the commented line up, I get the "End of file found" error...

As much as I'd like to be like other newbies and blame either apreq2 or the browser and say one of them is buggy :-) ...I'm more inclined to believe that since other people use it, it must be something that I'm doing wrong. If I remove the file input, and just leave the text box, then I still get the error. So, it isn't because of the file uploading... (I've changed the Subject to reflect this...)

Perhaps it's what I'm doing with Mason?


PS: I don't mean to put you on the spot, Joe, for replying to me initially (which I am thankful for!). Of course, if anyone else can give me their ideas, I'd appreciate it, too!

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