On 10/23/07, Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/23/07, John Siracusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've had some bad experiences with passing database handles around in
> > pnotes.
> It should be safe to do that.  One thing to remember is that pnotes
> takes an alias to what you pass in, not a copy.  If you feed it $foo
> and then change the value of $foo, the value in pnotes changes too.
> - Perrin

Thank you all for the comments. Replacing

    $r->pnotes( dbh      => My::DB->new->dbh);


    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=dev", "dev", "");
    $r->pnotes( dbh      => $dbh );

solved the issue. Doing connect_on_init() and still getting the dbh
from My::DB solves the issue as well (per Philip's suggestion). Does
Rose::DB bypass Apache::DBI if connect_on_init() hasn't been called?

Still not sure what exactly causes the issue in the first place though.

John, thanks for sharing your init_db() code. I guess the point of
caching the db handle in Rose::DB::Object in addition to the caching
done by Apache::DBI, is to ensure that all the Rose objects share the
same connection within each Apache child process. As you guessed,
using that code by itself (without the above fixes) didn't solve the

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