
amiribarksdale wrote:
Oh, one other wrinkle is ssl. I had to forgo proxying my ssl pages using
nginx, varnish or lighttpd. In all three cases I had to make apache listen
on my real IP address to port 443 for https from the internet, and only
allow it to listen on localhost:8080 for whatever was sent from the

I've only read some docs and reviews for nginx so far, but I thought it supported ssl. Does it not? Do none of the 3?

Right now, I'm using the dual-apache setup on one server. The light apache has ssl compiled in. It is the only one listening on the public ports of 80 and 443; it then forwards everything to the mod_perl apache on port 81.

I've been assuming that I could replace my light apache with ssl with nginx with ssl with essentially the same setup. I'd move nginx to a separate machine, though, so I would do same more load balancing and fault tolerance. nginx would be listening in on port 80 and 443 and forwarding things on.

Is this not possible?



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