On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 11:08:01 +0100 (CET)
Jeff Pang <pa...@laposte.net> wrote:

> Thanks for all the kind info and replying.
> When you use reverse proxy, do you generally have more than one
> modperl backend servers? In my case, I have only one modperl server.
> When I put a reverse-proxy in front of it, will it improve the
> performance?

You can do it any way you like.  I have systems that are setup using
Perlbal and/or nginx ( which I will call proxy ) in the following

1) proxy on 80 to  apache1/mp1 on localhost:8000
2) proxy on 80 and 443 to apache1/mp1 on localhost:8000 and 
    apache2/mp2/perl 5.8 on localhost:8001
3) proxy on 80 and 443 to several different apache2/mp2 servers on a
    local network. 

On one system I even have several "instances" of Apache running on
localhost on various ports basically one instance per mod_perl
"application" due to the traffic patterns/memory usage of the
applications.  Since one app is a HUGE memory hog and very light on
traffic it is setup with just two Apache child processes and the other
apps are setup with more children. 

Hope this helps. 

   Frank Wiles, Revolution Systems, LLC. 
     Personal : fr...@wiles.org  http://www.wiles.org
     Work     : fr...@revsys.com http://www.revsys.com 

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