
Thank you so much for posting this to the list. The project needs the help of some of the Perl and Apache Module gurus I hope frequent this list. Aaron posted the source to github, but last I heard github had somehow managed to corrupt the source. So, Aaron should now be working on either fixing it, or finding a new home for the project's source code.

The current status of the project is that what we have works with simple CGI's, but there are some many system calls (e.g. perl's die function) that need to be given special handling, something that mod_perl also must do as best I understand it.

I will poke and prod Aaron to chime in to give us a more detailed explanation of the kind of help we need.

I have been following a number of conversations on the Internets about mod_perlite, and while the initial motivation behind this module/ project was performance, I think if it is successful, the boon will prove to be ease of installation and management of CGI scripts.

Thank you again Adam, and I will do what I can to keep this list up to date on the project's progress. Feel free to also visit


On Jan 25, 2009, at 10:03 PM, Adam Prime wrote:

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of chromatic's previous article
about "5 things perl 5 needs right now", or about the mod_perlite
project that was spawned by some people from sixapart, but chromatic has
published another article that's basically a conversation with Byrne
Reese and Aaron Stone, aka the guys at 6A that are/were working on
mod_perlite. Anyway, it might be interesting to some people on the list:

The project is supposed to basically be mod_perl's registry only,
packaged such that it would be possible to get mass virtual hosting
providers to install it.  The core motivation being so that 6A's
Customers running MT in that architecture can get better performance.
The difference between it and FastCGI being that you can run unaltered
code originally destined for CGI, just like Registry or PerlRun.


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