In data 28 gennaio 2009 alle ore 11:21:31, André Warnier <> ha scritto:

I am looking for a debugging tool that would be able to repeatedly issue HTTP requests to one or more URLs, and log any errors. Preferably in Perl, and it must run on a Windows workstation.

I was going to say siege:

but I don't think there's a win32 binary.
I evaluated it for some stress testing tools we needed, together
with JMeter and httperf.

But after your second message, I thought that maybe you could be
interested in Fiddler:

I think Fiddler is a powerful tool, and you should "waste" some
time learning the various features.

I don't have it at hand now, but I know you can hook your
IE6 test client to it because it acts like a proxy, and
you can record and playback sessions with full logging.

In this way you could let your real users use your application,
record all the session, check eventual errors and then
(maybe, I don't know your app) replay the traffic and see
if the thing happens again.

If you find alternatives, please let me know.


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