Hi André,

I have not looked at your code in detail, but in general : there is nothing in Apache or mod_perl that will automatically and magically wrap any response in any html tag sequence.

I think/suppose so - that's why I'm getting nervuous about not being able to see where this comes from.

So the only reasonable explanation, is that it is your back-end server which generates these tags (or your browser ?).

back-end server, as far as I can tell.

Why don't you put some tracing code in your handler, to dump what it really receives from the back-end ?
Like :

        $r->log_error("going to get : $new_url")
       my $content = $response->content;
        $r->log_error("got : " . $content);

and look in your Apache error log.

evrything looks OK in the log, I get the content I expect.

It's just that when I print() it, I see the whole thing as HTML source code, as it is embedded already inside some <html><head/><body><pre>...and the corresponding ending tags.

Thank you,

Iosif Fettich

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