On Wed 08 Apr 2009, André Warnier wrote:
> I want to write a mod_perl input filter, which essentially would
> replace some characters from form-posted input on the fly, before
> letting the request go to the real application.
> The requests are POST, with content encoded in one long string,
> URL-encoded. I am thinking of writing this as a FilterRequestHandler
> filter, grabbing the content, splitting it on "&", URL-decoding the
> so-splitted query parameters individually, then in the value
> performing the character substitutions, then re-URL-encoding the
> query parameters, re-joining them with "&", and essentially et voilà.
> Basically, the type shown here :
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/handlers/filters.html#toc_Stream
> Is the above a realistic view, or am I missing something essential ?

Remember the request can consist of multiple brigades. Each filter 
invocation gets one brigade. That means you have to be prepared to 
store some context (store the /[^&;]*$/ part in $f->ctx). Don't try to 
read in the whole request. Operate on each part of it.

For example try the following PerlInputFilterHandler:

  sub handler {
    my ($f)=...@_;

    my $buf;
    while($f->read($buf, 1024)) {
      undef $buf;
    return Apache2::Const::OK;

with this PerlResponseHandler:

  sub handler {
    my ($r)=...@_;

    my $buf;
    while($r->read($buf, 15000)) {
      undef $buf;

    return Apache2::Const::OK;

and feed it with more than 8000 bytes:

perl -e 'print "x"x10000' | curl -qs -d @- http://localhost/iftest

You'll see multiple blocks wrapped in >>> ... <<< from the filter loop. 
But you'll also see 2 blocks of ######### ... :::::::::: that mark the 
filter invocations.

BTW, the buffer size in the response handler is that large because is 
must be able to store a whole brigade's content due to a modperl bug, 
see "XXX:" comment in modperl_request_read(). So, don't $f->print much 
in one filter invocation.


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