Torsten Foertsch wrote:
On Thu 09 Apr 2009, André Warnier wrote:
Suspicion : I cannot read the content, and print nothing when I am
called.  Instead of accumulating the content and process it all at
once at the end, should I process it chunk by chunk ?

yes, as I said in my previous mail, do it chunkwise.

Ok, I will change my filter to do it chunk by chunk.
It is quite a pain though, as I have to look for '&' boundaries between query parameters, to make sure I don't cut in the middle of a %-escaped sequence.

I have the impression that I am getting this Apache error :

[Wed Apr 08 22:46:22 2009] [crit] [Wed Apr 08 22:46:22 2009] file http_filters.c, line 1324, assertion "!(((&(bb)->list))->next == (struct apr_bucket *)((char *)((&(bb)->list)) - ((long) (((char *) (&(((struct apr_bucket*)((void *)0))->link))) - ((char *) ((void *)0))))))" failed
[Wed Apr 08 22:46:22 2009] [notice] child pid 5518 exit signal Aborted (6)

when I exceed some size in what I save with $f->ctx($data).
(say with $data around 1100 bytes ?).
Is that so ?

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