On Thu 09 Apr 2009, André Warnier wrote:
> Suspicion : I cannot read the content, and print nothing when I am
> called.  Instead of accumulating the content and process it all at
> once at the end, should I process it chunk by chunk ?

yes, as I said in my previous mail, do it chunkwise.

> Is it OK then when the Content-Length header is wrong (since I am
> changing the size of the data) ?

As long as your handler does not rely on it you can ignore the 
Content-Length header. In fact, a request can also be sumbitted 
in "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" which means there is no CL header.

The end of request body is determined by the HTTP_IN filter 
(ap_http_filter() in httpd/modules/http/http_filters.c) which is a 
protocol filter. That means it comes before your filter.


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