Well, actually Igor, we ended up writing eBay::API.  We needed something that 
was able to extend many more web services that are internal-use only, that the 
public doesn't have access to.  The fact that eBay web service data-types are 
probably the most complex out there, and they change often, we had to come up 
with a way to easily incorporate those changes by slurping up a giant WSDL, and 
auto-generating all the classes and data types, etc.

But we do thank you for writing that.  I knew of many API clients at the time 
that absolutely loved Net::eBay!  In fact, I think at the time, the #2 API 
client (in listings) was perl-based, and using it.

- Jeff

From: Igor Chudov <ichu...@gmail.com>
To: Jeff Nokes <jeff_no...@yahoo.com>
Cc: Brad Van Sickle <bvs7...@gmail.com>; mod_perl list <modperl@perl.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 8:26:53 PM
Subject: Re: Why people not using mod_perl

You must have use my module Net::eBay, at some point, right?

I wrote Net::eBay about 3 years ago.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Jeff Nokes <jeff_no...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Doesn't Amazon run mod_perl/Mason?
>BTW, I agree with most of your points (would debate #4,5).  I may substitute 
>the phrase "More convenient" for "Easier" in #3.  I would also add ...
>   #7)   How many engineers are available to hire that know or want to work 
> with said technology?
>I built a great platform at eBay on mod_perl/Mason that handled eBay-size 
>traffic; we ran 6 eBay sites on it.  Now it is used for specialty e-commerce 
>solutions like worldofgood.ebay.com, global.ebay.com (cross-border trade), 
>dealfinder.ebay.com, etc.  In fact, on the same hardware, the main eBay Java 
>app would support ~6 threads per box; the mod_perl platform supported ~60 
>(prefork), significant CapEx and power savings (which adds up at a place like
> eBay).
 From: Brad Van Sickle <bvs7...@gmail.com>
>To: mod_perl list <modperl@perl.apache.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 3:31:30 PM
>Subject: Re: Why people not using mod_perl
>>This is a mod_perl list, so I would expect to see Perl championed
>pretty heavily, but Java, .net and there ilk are undoubtedly *the*
>choice for large web applications.  I'd like to get into some
>discussion as to why almost all *large* sites choose these languages.
>>I don't have any experience developing a large application in Java,
>although I do have a lot of experience working on the operations side
>of a large web application that is Java based. 
>>The reasons I generally hear for choosing Java over mod_perl are: 
>>1) Speed - I don't buy this at all
>>2) Maintainability - I think this makes sense.  Perl can be pretty easy
>to maintain if you stick a good framework around it, but you have to
>seek out that framework and YOU are responsible for adhereing to it. 
>All of that is inherent in Java.  It also helps that Java has OO built
>>3) Easier to package and build/move code - In my experience this is
>>4) Advantages to be gained from running on an actually application
>server - Also valid
>>5) Compatible enterprise class middleware - Also true, Java plugs into
>more truly enterprise level suff than Perl does. (security frameworks,
>etc... )  
>>6) Support 
>>A lot of the industry seems look at Perl as obsolete technology that
>has been replaced by *insert hot new technology of the week here* 
>which is a total shame.  I've worked with a lot of technologies and I
>think Perl is a great choice for small/medium websites and webapps,
>which is probably what most of us work on.  But I'm very interested to
>know at what point (if any) a site/app grows too large or too complex
>for mod_perl and what defines that turning point.   Could Amazon run on
>mod_perl for example?
>>>>Phil Carmody wrote:
>>--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Igor Chudov <ichu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>My site algebra.com is about 80,000
>>>>lines of mod_perl code.
>>>>I wrote a relatively large framework, with many homegrown
>>>>perl modules, about five years ago. 
>>>>It uses a database, image generation modules, a big
>>>>mathematical engine that I wrote (that "shows
>>>>work", unlike popular third party packages), etc. 
>>>>All pages of my site are dynamic and it is very image heavy
>>>>due to math formulae. 
>>>>I can say two things: 
>>>>1) It is relatively fast, serving pages in 0.1 seconds or
>>>>2) Despite the quantity of code, and its age, it is still
>>>>very maintainable and understandable (to me). 
>>>In that case, would you like to fix its mangled output?
>>>Â Â (Redirected from Prime factorization algorithm)
>>>faster than O((1+ε)b) for all positive ε
>>>an integer M with 1 ≤ M ≤ N
>>>Pollard's p − 1 algorithm
>>>Section 4.5.4: Factoring into Primes, pp. 379–417.
>>>Chapter 5: Exponential Factoring Algorithms, pp. 191–226. Chapter 6: 
>>>Subexponential Factoring Algorithms, pp. 227–284. Section 7.4: Elliptic 
>>>curve method, pp. 301–313.
>>>Eric W. Weisstein, “RSA-640 Factored†
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>>>CFRAC · Dixon's · ECM · Euler's · Pollard's rho · P − 1 · P + 1 · 
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>>>Euclidean · Extended Euclidean · integer relation algorithm · integer 
>>>square root · Modular exponentiation · Schoof's · Shanks-Tonelli
>>>Looks like you've got utf8 and iso8859-1 messed up.

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