On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:34 AM, Clinton Gormley <cl...@traveljury.com> wrote:
> I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned EPIC, the Perl plugin for
> Eclipse.  It works really really well, at least as well as the Java
> version (although it can't do as much prediction as Java can because of
> the nature of static vs dynamic languages).

 The problem is necessarily dynamic vs static, but rather a language
 with a BNF compared to a language without.  By BNF I actually mean a
 set of rules by which to parse (BNF actually being the rules in a
 particular format).  Much of most modern IDE capabilities are hindered
 by not being able to parse the code.

>> I am using Emacs for almost 20 years now but it lacks good XS support.

 Emacs has worked pretty well for me so far.  I tried other IDEs, and I
 found most of the to be clunky and too window based.  I find I'm most
 productive when I use Emacs.


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