The man you want at the FreeBSD lists is Philip M. Gollucci.
He maintains libapreq2 in the ports collection, and was very
helpful to me when I was trying to get the module to build,
earlier this year.

Good Luck and please report your results to this list when this is settled,

On Oct 30, 2009, at 9:44 AM, Sin wrote:

When I build from ports the " make config " usually brings up a window that has options for both 32 bit and 64 bit. If I had to guess I'd say its the same Makefile and source code that builds the binary files. Or in your case a 64 bit bin file. But honestly I really don't know, we should steer this thread over to the FreeBSD mailling lists. Perhaps its just a matter of pointing this out to a maintainer or the governing group at the FreeBSD mailling list people. Maybe they know the next step?
----- Original Message -----
To: Sin
Cc: Foo JH ; Adam Prime ; Joe Niederberger ; mod_perl list
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 7.2, mod_perl2 & Apache2::Cookie (libapreq2)

This may be completely unrelated, but I had similar headaches installing libapreq2 on a 64 bit machine that had both 32 and 64 bit libs installed. I had to uninstall the offending 32 bit libs (which I didn't need).

Do they have a similar setup?


On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Sin <> wrote:
pkg_add -r just goes to a package repository and gets a package version thats allready complied for your distribution. So you can't build your options.

However this apreq2.12 issue is interesting. I was going to try this again. I went to build this port but make errored out with:

===> libapreq2-2.12_1 : Error from apache13 is installed (or APACHE_PORT is defined) and port requires 2.0+.
*** Error code 1

But if you look at the port it says apache-1.3.41_1 is the build and run dependency. So it should of built the port (because I just happen to have apache 1.3 installed ). I'm wondering if all the times I tried to build Apache2.x with mod_perl2 the application couldn't interface with it because of a missing dependency.

I'm not a BSD expert but it looks like this port needs updating. Here's the description in ports:

Port:   libapreq2-2.12_1
Path:   /usr/ports/www/libapreq2
Info:   Generic Apache2 Request Library

B-deps: apache-1.3.41_1 autoconf-2.62 autoconf-wrapper-20071109 expat-2.0.1 gettext-0.17_1 gmake-3.81_3 libiconv-1.13.1 libtool-2.2.6a_1 m4-1.4.13,1 perl-5.8.9_3

R-deps: apache-1.3.41_1 expat-2.0.1 perl-5.8.9_3

Port:   p5-libapreq2-2.12_1
Path:   /usr/ports/www/p5-libapreq2
Info:   Generic Apache2 Request Library

B-deps: apache-1.3.41_1 autoconf-2.62 autoconf-wrapper-20071109 expat-2.0.1 gettext-0.17_1 gmake-3.81_3 libiconv-1.13.1 libtool-2.2.6a_1 m4-1.4.13,1 mod_perl2-2.0.4_2,3 p5-BSD- Resource-1.2903 p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.28_1 p5-Parse- RecDescent-1.962.2 p5-Tie-IxHash-1.21 p5-version-0.76 perl-5.8.9_3

R-deps: apache-1.3.41_1 expat-2.0.1 mod_perl2-2.0.4_2,3 p5-BSD- Resource-1.2903 p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.28_1 p5-Parse- RecDescent-1.962.2 p5-Tie-IxHash-1.21 p5-version-0.76 perl-5.8.9_3

----- Original Message ----- From: "Foo JH" <>
To: "Adam Prime" <>
Cc: "Joe Niederberger" <>; "mod_perl list" <>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 3:15 AM

Subject: Re: FreeBSD 7.2, mod_perl2 & Apache2::Cookie (libapreq2)

Just a thought: is install ap22 + mp2 + libapreq2 via pkg_add -r an option? That's what I normally do these days.

Adam Prime wrote:
You guys might want to take a look at this thread on apreq-dev

Specifically the last couple of posts from pgollucci (who is a freebsd, and mod_perl committer). If you can't get apreq2.12 to work, try 2.08.


Joe Niederberger wrote:
How do I find out what *all* the special options needed are?

Joe N.

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: "mod_perl list" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 7.2, mod_perl2 & Apache2::Cookie (libapreq2)

I've been using apache2/mod_perl2 on FreeBSD for years. Currently using 6.3 and 7.2. Installing from ports should work fine, but I prefer to install separate versions of apache2 and mod_perl2 from source. Haven't had a problem installing either of those in sometime. Installing libapreq2 on FreeBSD requires some special options, like passing --with-expat=/usr/local to configure and using gmake.


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