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On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Jonas Bull <m...@jonasbull.com> wrote:
> httpd.conf has the following:
>        SetHandler              perl-script
>        PerlSendHeader       On
>        PerlHandler             Apache::Registry
>        Options                 ExecCGI

Okay, so you're running through Apache::Registry.  That should notice
when you update a .cgi (or .pl or whatever you've used) file and
reload.  If you have any code in modules, those will need to be
reloaded in a different way, possible with Apache::Reload.  More
likely though, you're just seeing persistent variables where you
didn't expect them.  Here's some information on what's happening:

If you can give us a specific example of the behavior you're seeing
and show us some of the code, we can help you identify the problem.

- Perrin

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