On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Jonas Bull <m...@jonasbull.com> wrote:
>  In the logs, I see notification of the changes to the script
> - sometimes.  Most of the time, actually.  But occasionally the
> process fails to catch the changes, which is annoying, but not as
> troubling as the case where the script seems to recall a previous
> version AFTER correctly compiling and executing the current version.

Are the changes that seem to be missed things that could result from a
variable keeping its previous value?  Or are they things like text
contained in the script itself?  Your comment about scripts seeming to
use the old version after compiling the new one also sounds like a
persistent variable problem.

Remember, there are multiple child processes and every one of them
needs to recompile the script separately when it gets called.
Sometimes this can get very confusing to debug, so you may want to try
using the -X flag to run in single-server mode in order to reproduce
the problem you see in production.

- Perrin

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