On 6/15/2011 9:01 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:
I'm interested in hearing about what application frameworks (Catalyst,
CGI::App, Mojolicious) are used here with mod_perl.  Given the number
of emerging Perl based webservers on CPAN (in addition to Nginx,
lighty, etc), it seems like there are many more Perl web application
and webservers out there now than there were five years ago.

One-page app. using Ajax/JSON.

Server side is mod_perl 2.x, Apache (configured variously for proxy, static content and mod_perl) and MySQL. Code is OO and uses persistent objects. No frameworks or much use of CPAN modules other than DBI.

Cient interface is assembled entirely on client, using JavaScript and DOM. This frees up server from having to do any interface generation.

Regardless of request type (POST/GET etc), the server response is in the form of JavaScript object(s) (really just a plain text string), which is 'eval'ed by JavaScript on the client.

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