On Jun 27, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> DBIx::Class already manages its connections for you, and therefore it
> cannot benefit from Apache::DBI under any scenario.  It makes one
> connection per-process, and keeps that connection persistent,
> reconnecting only if the connection appears to have died, or if you
> fork/thread over to another process/thread-id.  The only Apache::DBI
> issue in DBIx::Class is that Apache::DBI will actually thwart
> DBIx::Class's connection management code, and cause it to use the same
> (and invalid) connection in a new process, in cases such as (as
> mentioned above) if you make a DBI connection before forking in a
> prefork mod_perl server.
> To work around this, DBIx::Class has specific code in it to work
> around Apache::DBI, nullifying the effects of Apache::DBI on
> DBIx::Class.  Essentially, loading Apache::DBI should change nothing
> and be rather pointless under DBIx::Class.
> The only reason we support it (support working around it) is because
> someone might want Apache::DBI loaded up under the same mod_perl as a
> DBIx::Class application to support a different legacy application
> which does not use DBIx::Class, in which case they share a perl
> interpreter and will both have the same set of modules loaded.

The same statements apply to DBIx::Connector, FWIW.



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