On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Vincent Veyron <vv.li...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> As I said, I replaced the call to tie with :
> $r->pnotes('session' => Storable::retrieve($session_file));
> where $session_file again is retrieved from the cookie.
> What I can't find out is : how do I store %session into a database
> without using tie??

That's what I'm trying to explain.  You can either use the Storable
API to put your session into a string, and then write to a database
using standard DBI, or you can use a pre-built tool like CGI::Session.

To serialize your session to a string, you can do something like this:
use Storable qw(nfreeze);
$serialized = nfreeze \%session;

See the Storable docs for more.

- Perrin

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