I've been working to find a solution to adding Post data to a sub request for a few days now (since last week when I posted about retrieving the POST data in the first place).

Adding the POST data to the $subr object using write doesn't work, because it tries to add it to the output response and not the input request.

I then found a message on google that indicated that you could modify the incoming request POST data via a filter, so I've written something similar to the following:

use Apache2::SubRequest  ();
use Apache2::ServerUtil  ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::RequestRec  ();
use Apache2::RequestIO   ();
use Apache2::Filter      ();
use Apache2::Log         ();
use APR::Table           ();
use APR::Brigade         ();
use APR::Bucket          ();

sub handler {
        my $r                   = shift;
        our @ProxyInputContent  = ();

        sub proxy_input_filter {
                my ( $f, $bb ) = @_;
                my $ba = $bb->bucket_alloc();
                my $newBucket = '';
                # remove the existing buckets
                # create buckets using the orig request POST data
                foreach ( @ProxyInputContent ) {
                        # the current array element will be represented as $_
                        # create a new bucket
                        $newBucket = APR::Bucket->new($ba, $_);
                        # put the new bucket in the subr brigade
                # the subrequest should now contain the post data
                return Apache2::Const::OK;

        # handle POST requests
        if ( $r->method() eq "POST" ) {
                # set the subrequest method to also be a post
                # create a post data buffer
                my $PostBuffer = '';
                # loop over each line of data
                while($r->read($PostBuffer, 1024)) {
                        # add the content to the ProxyInputContent Array
                        push(@ProxyInputContent, $PostBuffer);
# make the subrequest go through the input filter so we can add the post data to it.
                $subr->add_input_filter( \&proxy_input_filter );

        # perform the proxy request

However, this doesn't work. I still don't see the POST data on the Tomcat side.

And, being the noob I am, I haven't yet figured out how to log the data from the filter to I can make sure I'm doing it right.

So, my questions are simple:

1) Is there an ideal way to add POST data to a subrequest that I'm missing here?

2) Is it possible to log data from a filter so I can debug it?

Thank you *so much* for your help and patience with this. I truly appreciate your time.

Warm Regards,
Jordan Michaels

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