If it may contribute something to the question :
I have a case where, within a response handler, I need to make a call to a back-end Tomcat through mod_jk (a simple GET, not a POST). I initially tried to do this through a sub-request, and was getting segfaults in Apache for my trouble. Rather than investigating this, I switched to making the call through LWP, and it has been working fine for a couple of years, on a variety of systems and Apache versions.

Jordan Michaels wrote:
Well, I do need mod_rewrite to be run. A lot of our users use SES url's and then use rewrite rules to parse them out. I also have specific requests to leave .htaccess functionality in there (for secured directories and so forth).

So yeah, the more typical Apache functionality we can leave in the better. It's a pretty tall order.

I've configured my perl module using AddHandler in Apache, like so:

AddHandler      perl-script [my file extensions]
PerlRequire     /path/to/mymod.pm
PerlHandler     mymod

and that seems to allow me to do everything I'm needing to do so far, but I admit I haven't tested it thoroughly so far. I'm still trying to get POST data passed.

Thank you again, very much, for your help!

Warm Regards,
Jordan Michaels

On 12/15/2011 12:17 PM, Torsten Förtsch wrote:
On Thursday, 15 December 2011 12:09:05 Jordan Michaels wrote:
The module I'm working on updates the headers and proxies the requests
for specific file types off to Tomcat HTTP and AJP ports.

Then maybe you don't need subrequests at all. A translation handler may be sufficient. Even an internal redirect will do if invoked before the response
phase. (The core response handler calls ap_discard_request_body.)

Torsten Förtsch

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