FYI: mod_perl based CMS currently in use at the ASF:

Looking for a few volunteers to start an Apache project
based on it...

----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: Joe Schaefer <>
>To: Apache Infrastructure <> 
>Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 1:41 PM
>Subject: cms as an apache incubator project?
>Way back when the cms was first being implemented
>some people suggested making it a formal project.
>I pushed back on that issue at the time because it
>was so heavily tied into our infra that trying to
>productize it made little sense to me.
>As time progressed it became clear tho that I was
>the only person willing and able to work on the cms
>plumbing, and maybe now that there are several projects
>using the cms it's time to reask the question.
>Would it make sense to anyone to volunteer to work
>on the cms towards making it adoptable by other orgs?
>Keep in mind people can work on and adopt the current
>code right now as the svn tree is public:
>The real issue becomes whether or not this community
>has the right skills and interests to help other orgs
>adopt it, and to modify the software to make that 
>a feasible proposition.
>Any takers?

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