Thanks for the quick response, Joe.

Based on the links you forwarded earlier, I understand that this application was written in-house by ASF operations staff. Is that you?

Reading the rationale discussion reminds me of tooth-pulling conversations I've had with managers convinced that there's an out-of-the-box turnkey solution that *exactly* meets their business requirements and has no life-cycle costs. When these managers eventually concede the need to hire software professionals, the conversation starts all over again. Essentially: OK, we'll invest in software development, then we'll release the code to the OS community, where it will be supported and maintained indefinitely by volunteers. These sunny optimists make it hard to earn a living.

So while I'm thrilled to participate in an ASF project, I'm trying to establish some justification. Some examples:

  1.  Learn best practices in application development
  2.  Develop marketable expertise in CMS technology
  3.  Support mod_perl's viability as an enterprise solution

Where I live, most of the local economy is supported by foundation and government grants. (Sign of the times.) I'm sure I know people who could capitalize on the right FOSS project.

Justification is always the first step in any undertaking. And I couldn't find it anywhere using your links. Is there anything else you can send along?

Thanks again!


Jim Schueler

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