
I'm trying to share a var between the different processes of my prefork Apache.

I then tried the following idea :
Unfortunately, $r->server()->dir_config('var') is not shared among the processes. I would have thought config was stored at the very first Apache process (the parent) level.

Other solution is IPC::Shareable (one more module to load :-/)

Any other solution ?
I would have been happy with an Apache-only way to do this (like I tried above).

I need the var to be set only one time to a constant random value, then to be read by the different processes. I then also thought about an environment variable set when Apache starts, and then given to Perl using "PerlSetVar var ${VAR}". But 1. var value would be disclosed into Apache env which I want to avoid, 2. PerlSetVar at every request is perhaps not really perfect in terms of performance.

Thank you very much for your help !


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